Monday, March 18, 2019

Oh Hi Blog!

I still have a blog you guys!

Oh boy. Here I go blogging again. I sure do like blogging.
It's been a pretty crazy ride as of late, but in like a really positive way. I've been hitting a really creative patch within the last 2-3 months...none of it writing, but still, it feels good.

Part of this means I do want to start blogging more. I am trying to pinpoint when this creative up-tick began. I guess around Thanksgiving/Christmas? What are these crazy creative projects taking up my time?

1. Podcast
2. Gaming Valhalla
3. Make-Up
4. Tarot & Tea
6. Interspirituality

PODCAST: Talented Heifers
Becky and I are finally taking the plunge and podcasting. We've talked about it for years, and as of the publishing of this blog we have two episodes released and one in the chamber. That's three whole episodes! It feels good. (Hopefully, you clicked the link in the 2nd paragraph and you are still enjoying the delectable sounds of Tony, Toni, Tone! If not, click it now, for you see my blog is a multi-sensory experience.)

So what is our podcast...well, it's just the two of us talking, also sometimes Gabe! It's mostly just about fun things we do in Minnesota, what we've been up to, craft projects, recipes. Hopefully, once we feel more competent and assured, some interviews with our fellow funny and talented friends. Mostly I think we are doing it as a way to bring some laughs to our friends and family. My goals for the podcast are to create a community. I've been feeling the need for community lately and that's what's been fueling a lot of my creative projects of late (more on that later). We think we're funny, we like to make people laugh. We like to hang out with fellow laid back midwesterners. There is a certain comfortable quality to midwest folk that I particularly enjoy, and I think others get a kick out of. We want to have a herd, if you will, of other Talented Heifers who just want to laugh, have a good time, and live their best life. Whatever that looks like for them. Subscribe or something...tell your friends if you think they would think we're funny? This is where the marketing cart really crashes and burns. I am horrible at self-promotion. But truly, if you enjoy it - let us know. It makes my day to hear other people enjoy our blather.

This is something I've wanted for a long time. A dedicated game room. I thought we'd have to move before I could get it. Then I realized, "That's dumb." Our house has a family room and a formal living room. What the hell do I need two living rooms for? So we've converted the basement into an epic nerd nirvana as god intended all basements to be.

We have a super huge table for the tabletop action. Comfy chairs with enough seating for all our Dungeons and Dragons group. Oh, and a GIANT FREAKING DRAGON HEAD!!

He still doesn't have a name. That seems like a failing on our part as homeowners. 
It makes me happy. I had been squirreling all our nerd toys into the office, but I had a bit of an epiphany recently. I have struggled a long time with the notions of feminity and adulthood, and that grown ladies do not decorate with giant dragon heads. They go on Pinterest, find a chevron patterned throw rug, pin it, and then get re-targeted on facebook until they go out and buy it. I was playing that game too...but then it dawned on me...I don't really like normal decor. I am a nerd. My giant freaking dragon head makes me really happy. My nerd toys, also make me happy. Why am I locking this stuff up in a room no one goes in? I should put this stuff in my family room where I like to spend all my I can, I dunno? Enjoy it!

So I did. And I do enjoy it. Gaming Valhalla is not done. There are still touches I need to add like some awesome dragon weapons our friends got us, but it's a work in progress. We spend so much more time in the room now, and it's become our go-to hang-out den. I love it! It's sort of inspiring me to tackle more rooms in my house. Like, why am I waiting to move to a better house before I do fun projects? I live in this house...I should like it, and if I don't - I should do something about it.

I've started playing with make-up. Like a few years back, before Becky got married, she introduced me to this woman she worked with who is a make-up guru. She was going to help us with our make-up for the wedding. We went to Ulta, it was a life-changing experience, and now she is one of my favorite people. Now, I won't say I am going to be a youtube make-up blogger. I don't have the budget or skills for that. But, I do enjoy playing with it and trying new things. Basically, I refuse to be intimidated by it. It's nothing anyone needs. But it can be fun to play with. And after some practice, I don't hate the results.

I feel obnoxious about how many selfies I am taking lately, but I am feeling myself.
_Sorry not Sorry_
I set up all of my make-up in the guest bedroom. Again, it was a room we weren't really using, so why not? Friday and Saturday night have now become my own personal slumber party. I have a little cocktail, and sit down to my new make-up station and just fart around with make-up. It's not even to like go out later. Just doing it because it feels good. (I don't know if you're a slow reader and the sweet beats of Tony! Toni! Tone! have ended, so if you need to press play again. There is a new link so you don't have to scroll back up. I don't want you to lose your place!) If you ever want to come play with make-up too, come on over. I don't really know what I am doing - but we can figure it out together.

Speaking of not knowing what I am doing...I'm interested in Tarot. I took some classes at the Eye of Horus metaphysical shop a few years ago, and I totally recommend them if you've ever wanted to learn about Tarot for yourself. Chuck is an awesome teacher! But playing with tarot cards kind of feels solitary. And it's no fun reading for myself and the dog never gives me feedback as to if the cards are accurate.
Does the Hermit mean anything to you Kotter?
So a couple months ago I just put up a post asking if anyone else was interested in Tarot. That morphed into having a group of ladies at my house who expressed interest. It was a cross-section of people from different friend groups, but I knew everyone would hit it off - and we totally did. We drank tea, I did some readings for people. I got some assists from Christy and Jennifer who are also into tarot, and it was a really fun night. I was buzzing from the energy of all the really cool women I know for days. So much so, I started a facebook group for us. If you're interested, let me know - you're totally invited. Even if you don't want to read tarot yourself, it's just a fun little group. I have no idea that it will turn into anything, but I would like to do more of these gatherings because it was super fun.

It's been crazy for me seeing the group of people who are in the group, so many who don't know each other, but we have lots of Venn diagrams where our interests intersect. In any case, I love the connection and bringing people together. I'm telling you - it's been a theme lately for me.

I've just been on a really creative kick lately. I made a flower crown recently, because. I haven't set up my paints yet, but that's only because my paint space has not been formally been set-up. But it will. And then it's game on. It's felt good to break out the markers, craft paint, and hot glue guns. I even painted my snowbanks in a desperate act to fight off cabin fever.

Be spring already, damn it!
It kind of harkens back to as a teenager getting some puff paint and a t-shirt. It was all horrible, but the act of creating was fun. Messy but engrossing. I decided this year I want more of that in my life. So I've been trying it out.

So back in November or possibly December, I ended up going to a Red Tent Gathering at Moving Beyond yoga studio. I am always interested in these kinds of events and yoga, but the Hermit card does speak to me, and it's hard sometimes for me to rally and go out to a new place where I don't know anyone and trying a new thing. I almost didn't go because it was after work, and dark - and I was having trouble finding parking, but I did it, and it was life-changing.


I think a lot of the uptick in energy and creativity I've had recently can be traced back to this event. I won't be able to put into words what a great experience it was, I can only tell you if you're a lady in Minnesota, you should check it out. Come with me sometime if you want.

Anyway - Kim, the instructor of the yoga studio, led the group and she mentioned the term "Interspirtuality". And I didn't totally know what it meant, but I liked it. That sort of describes my own interest in religion. Which is to say, I am not really interested in religion anymore. I am interested in how I process the universal human experience, examining what life means to me, and I am genuinely interested in how others have experienced this thing called life. I think that's why I love storytelling so much, and storytellers are like Gods to me. To be able to articulate something in such a way that it sparks a connection with others...that even though we're all different we can still hold up a mirror to each other and say, "I see you, I relate to this on a level similar to your own." and it makes my heart happy. It makes me feel like not a hermit.

Since then I've been reading up on "interspirituality". I feel like this article is a good one.

That night we started with some Oracle cards, and mine was about "Connection" -- and I literally wanted to cry. I was so scared to come out and connect with new people, and yet it was such a profoundly delightful experience. I needed connection. As much as an introvert as I am, I do love people.

Truly, this path of creativity lately has been all about connection. Connecting with my interests. Connecting with friends; connecting those friends with new friends. Making space for myself in the house I currently live in, in the body I currently have, to experience life as I want to. But also it's about being present and mindful. Why am I doing what I am doing? Is this bringing me joy? What would I rather be doing?

IN CONCLUSION...Libya is a land of contrasts*.
I'm not totally sure where all this is coming from. Ten year wedding anniversary was pretty amazing. I feel like that was a big milestone, and kind of where some of this creative energy and connection stuff started. The Red Tent event, for sure. Maybe because I am about to turn 40? I'm not totally sure, but whatever it is, I am going to keep rolling with it. Because it feels good. (C'mon, click it again!)

Enjoy the earworm! I love you all.

*If you get the reference and are the first one to post it in the comments I'll send you a gift. Of'll be good...I promise!

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